Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Corinthians 15 Inspiration

Good evening all,

It has been awhile since I summarized a chapter from Corinthians, and I have felt bad about it. I honestly needed a break and I just wanted to read it, but I have been feeling a little convicted by not doing it so now I am back. I have read chapters 13 and 14. 13 discussed what Christ's version of love is and I honestly need to work on that, it's basically the world's definition of weak and usually displayed by people who get taken advantage of the most. I will say that I have seen most of these qualities in a special friend of mine, but we will pray on that ( hopefully I can provide an entry that goes in depth about our relationship... stay tuned ).
Chapter 14 singled out the gifts of prophecy and the gift of speaking in tongues and the proper procedure of governing meetings among believers ( I should have read that last year lol.) What I took away from both chapters is, as Christians our goals should be to up lift the kingdom of God and the people in it, not just ourselves. Our gifts should be dedicated as a service rather than a title of importance. I think once we a can get past the name and ranking of our gift and begin to focus more on it's function in the body then the church will attract and keep more people.

( Deep Sigh, a good one)

Chapter 15. Well what can I say is that it was very interesting. It talked about the act of one being raising from the dead. Honestly I had to read this a few times and explain it to myself out loud, or maybe the Holy Spirit uses my own voice to talk to me ( haven't really figured that out yet *shrugs*). At any rate, I understood Paul's point, which was If God had the power to raise His son from the dead, don't you think he would be able to raise humans from the dead too? But something inside of me is still fuzzy about why Paul chose the concept of bringing people back from the dead, I mean I get it but something in me struggles to accept it. He did however answer my question about what those people will look like when they are risen from the dead with a beautiful illustration about a plant. Our earthly bodies are broken and we rise in new spiritual bodies, just like a seed is planted but sprouts up as a beautiful tree, fruit, or flower. I am just stuck on the raising of the dead, I understand that if God didn't raise us then surely Christ was not raised and if that was the case our faith as Paul says, would be pointless. Why that though? That's my question, so hopefully we get an answer soon. This chapter really inspired my to take my focus off of now concerning my feelings. I want to be more useful in the kingdom. I want help others around me, I mean reading and understanding is one thing but to actually do it is quite different but it's still the whole point of learning it in the first place. Plus I don't want to be broke in heaven, I want to store up enough goods so that I am comfortable because being broke and content down here is hard enough.Plus I just want to be pleasing to God, I am tired of being a spiritual free loader. But that means I am going to have to work, and going from one extreme to the other is never an easy task, so I have to be patient with myself and ease into it, and remember that this season is not forever.

Well I felt this was very productive, I can't wait until I am able to share this with others, until then I can just pretend :) Happy reading

P.S. we are almost done with Corinthians, we stayed the course!!!!

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