Sunday, June 26, 2011

FINALLY!! What the Lord has done for me

Good evening all :)

Well the day has finally come. After all the prayers, talks, and just speaking about it I finally received confirmation on my spiritual gift. Today at Praise Temple church (well up and coming church)The Lord spoke to me through the pastor and first Lady. I was told that the Lord has identified me as a warrior. I have the gift of prophecy and I will be able to call out negativity among believers and God will use me as a great mouth piece in the house. The catch is that people will not like what I have to say and this pastor said that I will have to say my piece and move quickly. My prayers will provide a protective force around me, and those I pray for. He (the enemy) will be forced to submit at the sound of my voice. So the answer to my question about my function in the body is that I am a mouth. I will review my notes and see if the Lord revealed that to me before and I just didn't trust what he was saying. But now that my relationship with Christ is growing God will show me things because I am learning to trust him for myself instead of through others. The prophet also said that in 14 days God will reveal to me my ministry and destiny. So what I received today was just the introduction to what is about to happen. He said I will receive all the answer to my questions, yes I said ALL,I just have to keep going.


I am still reading 2 Corinthians and once again I really don't feel like breaking down that whole chapter ( this time chapter 2) because honestly I am tired and there is not much to say about it. But basically it was short and talked about forgiving a man that had caused pain to the church. Paul said that it was important to forgive this man because he may be feeling discouraged. He also talked about how every one is not going understand our gift from the Lord. For those being saved, our life style will smell like a sweet perfume, but for those perishing it will smell of death ( verses 15-16). ugh!!! This is so much harder to do, I am pushing it right now. Lord help me want to do this, and see what is special in me.

OK that is all I have for now until next time happy reading


Friday, June 24, 2011


Hello all :)

Well as I mentioned in my last entry, I have finally completed the book of 1 Corinthians ( yay!!). I prayed about it and I really didnt recieve an answer, so until told other wise, I felt comfortable with continuing with 2 Corinthians. It seems it will be a very encouraging chapter because it ( chapter 1) talks about how God has provided the Holy Spirit as proof of his promises to us. The Holy Spirit was sent to comfort us and then we can go out and comfort others in his name. That's really all I have for now... short I know.

In life news, I finally have a second job at IHOP, still few hours but at least it is SOMETHING. I told my mother about it and she managed to kill the mood somewhat by still pointing out to the lack of pay and hours. But i will remain gratful.

I read something very interesting on a Facebook application that mentioned in order to find out who you are becoming you must find stories or movies that speak to your heart.I found that to be very interesting because it confirms my conclusion of my gifts lie inside of me, I don't have to seek an outside source. The key to my future is contained in what speaks to my heart most. So taking in this account, the movies that speak to me most are ones of true love, the under dog rising to the occasion, and ones about family. There must be some answer in there. The Lord spoke to me and asked me to submit more, this means fasting. I have avoided for a long time because I didn't believe I could do it, It felt like my only source of power and control.

We will see how this goes, until next time happy reading


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Corinthians 15 Inspiration

Good evening all,

It has been awhile since I summarized a chapter from Corinthians, and I have felt bad about it. I honestly needed a break and I just wanted to read it, but I have been feeling a little convicted by not doing it so now I am back. I have read chapters 13 and 14. 13 discussed what Christ's version of love is and I honestly need to work on that, it's basically the world's definition of weak and usually displayed by people who get taken advantage of the most. I will say that I have seen most of these qualities in a special friend of mine, but we will pray on that ( hopefully I can provide an entry that goes in depth about our relationship... stay tuned ).
Chapter 14 singled out the gifts of prophecy and the gift of speaking in tongues and the proper procedure of governing meetings among believers ( I should have read that last year lol.) What I took away from both chapters is, as Christians our goals should be to up lift the kingdom of God and the people in it, not just ourselves. Our gifts should be dedicated as a service rather than a title of importance. I think once we a can get past the name and ranking of our gift and begin to focus more on it's function in the body then the church will attract and keep more people.

( Deep Sigh, a good one)

Chapter 15. Well what can I say is that it was very interesting. It talked about the act of one being raising from the dead. Honestly I had to read this a few times and explain it to myself out loud, or maybe the Holy Spirit uses my own voice to talk to me ( haven't really figured that out yet *shrugs*). At any rate, I understood Paul's point, which was If God had the power to raise His son from the dead, don't you think he would be able to raise humans from the dead too? But something inside of me is still fuzzy about why Paul chose the concept of bringing people back from the dead, I mean I get it but something in me struggles to accept it. He did however answer my question about what those people will look like when they are risen from the dead with a beautiful illustration about a plant. Our earthly bodies are broken and we rise in new spiritual bodies, just like a seed is planted but sprouts up as a beautiful tree, fruit, or flower. I am just stuck on the raising of the dead, I understand that if God didn't raise us then surely Christ was not raised and if that was the case our faith as Paul says, would be pointless. Why that though? That's my question, so hopefully we get an answer soon. This chapter really inspired my to take my focus off of now concerning my feelings. I want to be more useful in the kingdom. I want help others around me, I mean reading and understanding is one thing but to actually do it is quite different but it's still the whole point of learning it in the first place. Plus I don't want to be broke in heaven, I want to store up enough goods so that I am comfortable because being broke and content down here is hard enough.Plus I just want to be pleasing to God, I am tired of being a spiritual free loader. But that means I am going to have to work, and going from one extreme to the other is never an easy task, so I have to be patient with myself and ease into it, and remember that this season is not forever.

Well I felt this was very productive, I can't wait until I am able to share this with others, until then I can just pretend :) Happy reading

P.S. we are almost done with Corinthians, we stayed the course!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Night of Revelation

Good evening all,

Sorry about the delay, it has been about 5.5 days since my last entry and honestly it has been a roller coaster and somewhat disappointing. Well to start things off, I have been avoiding the gym, no regular activity since last week. Some of my absence ( from the gym) was due to the fact that I was coming down with a something, just a cold thankfully. But the rest was due to laziness and sneaky depression ugh!! But as I was talking to my sister and I was telling of my feelings, and it's almost like there is person inside of me hiding behind what I felt I "should" be. All the things I like I am afraid of, so maybe that is why God is not telling me what my gifts are. I already know them but they are hidden in fear. Then it is also fear that births laziness and conplacence. I avoid the very gifts I was given and maybe God feels like I have rejected him and those gifts. Ugh there is so much to write I just feel overwhelmed. To sum it all up, Lord Reveal what is already in me. What exactly did you give me to use for your kingdom? and if it will help why did i quit so many things as a child. So that's why my prayers about spiritual gifts were not getting through!!! because i was praying for what they are or rather something else rather than focusing on what I already have. Wow he just answered my prayer about getting to know myself. I prayed for a starting place,and I feel like i need to start in the areas that scare me the most, writing and singing. He said start by doing what you already like to do, your discernment will kick in if it something that is off. What about the writing though, honestly for my counseling session I have felt compelled to write down my feelings throughout the week, because it will better keep track of what I have been doing. But honestly, Alot of the times I just don't feel like writing, and would it be lame if all I did for the day was write? At the end of the day it is your choice.

until next time happy reading

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Corinthians 11 : head covering and more dinner!!

Good evening all

Well I read another chapter of corinthians, honestly I can totally excited for chapter 12 because I will finally get to the spiritual gifts!!!! I have been wanting to have a official title to my gift for the longest time!! So much has happened since the last time I wrote in my blog. My sister ( spiritual) had a wonderful conversation last night, so many things came to light about my relationship with a certain someone, ( hopefully one day I can provide his name and picture), and just God's potential purpose well one of them, for my light. I am too excited for what is to come. I am still on the hunt for job #2 but I feel I am getting closer, I just have to keep trying.

Now to chapter 11.

Well it was very interesting, the first portion dicussed the relationship between man, woman and God. God is ( or should be) the head of a man and a man is ( should be) the head of his wife. This calls for a word that has been used out of context for a long time and that is submission. I don't know about you but this is a difficult word for me, especially when you look at it from the world's perspective. Usually it is associate with low class, some for of abuse, little to know rights,it's just bad. As a believer not only do i have to submit to Christ but to my husband also... GREAT!!! Then I get really confused because Paul says all this stuff about how a in worship a woman must keep her head covered and never cut her hair because it is her pride and joy ( long hair that is). Well personally I have already broke that rule ( a few times) plus I really don't have long hair anyway. So once again I am in a place where I am confused how to apply this concept to modern day activities and principles. I understand the submission portion I have trust in my husband that he is lead by Christ, but FIRST before I come in to contact with my Husband I have to learn how to trust Christ, how can i trust the creation with out first trusting it's creator?? All this self sacrifice is rough because I am in a place where i am hoping to discover myself and in order to do that have to ignore myself? It makes since on paper but as an application it's still throws me for a loop from time to time. So the head covering for me and non head covering for men, is still fuzzy but I understand submitting. CHECK..

NEXT dinner...
the next passage talked about the Lord's supper and I think it's the portion my pastor reads before we take communion. Paul takes about waiting for others to arrive before you start eating, it's he is telling them to pray before they eat their food, maybe? Or maybe this is instructions communion, just during his time it was called the Lord's supper. He also talks about examining yourself before having the supper, I take this to mean having a clear conscious and maybe as for forgiveness before participating. Yea I was not really focused on this chapter this evening but I kind of feel the spirit telling me that this portion was just instructions for customs of that time period and I should not read too deep into it. OK

As I said before I am really excited for next chapter, I am thinking I should pray and fast and read it like ten times before I actually blog about it. I really believe that God will formally name and Identify my gifts through someone this week. The ones that I am curious about are , I have miniture visions about certain things, discernment in the form of physical sensations and emotional connections with people, and sometimes I feel as though I am understand people speaking in tongues. I would love confirmation on these especially the visions because I would like to know if that is related to prophecy, I don't know. So many things. I can't wait, the only other time I get this excited is when I go see my special someone

k signing off until next time Happy reading


Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Corinthians chapter 10 and other stuff :)

Good afternoon all :)

I hope your day is going well. Mine is pretty good, I went to church early this morning and the message was great. It was about embracing shift in our lives. The pastor say something that really stuck with me and made me feel better about my situation, he said that Nothing can get into my life without God's permission. So all this finanical mischief i am going through God allowed it. He did not cause but he did allow it. I knew it was for a reason, he is trying to take me some place else or maybe it's training in trust, or learning how to press dispite what is going on around me. The pastor also talked about using our gifts so that we can experience the favor of God. Now this topic is always difficult for me because anytime a speaker mentions using gifts, my first thought is " well I don't know my gifts" and then I become frustrated because I feel stuck at step one because I don't know what my gifts are or how to use them. Well this happened again today, I was feeling very encouraged by the message, and then he mentioned prosperity is proportioned to the degree to which one functions in their gift. In order to function in that gift you have to know what it is and something inside of me is convinced that I don't know what mine is. But then I heard the Lord speak, and he reminded me of how well I speak but due to fear I allowed people to silence my voice. So i asked God how can I use my voice as a way to up build the kingdom and honestly to make my life better? Well I thought about it and I guess I could start by talking to people. I have always been conscious about my voice because it's loud and I speak properly. How can I embrace that and make it work for me instead of working for it or rather working for the fear of it? Others gifts or strengths I have noticed about myself include good judgment in time and the general character of some people. So how can I use these to my advantage? Well I am hoping to find out by reading Corinthians,something inside of me wants out, it's getting very restless and I have to set it free.

So chapter 10: hm.Well Paul continued with the analogy of eating the food of the non believer and honestly I am not sure what to do with that. He says it's ok to eat with them as long as they don't dedicate their food to idols. So I'm wondering what modern activity would this be compared to? It's really hard to write this because I am sleepy. (Just thought i would put that out there.) I won't think too hard about the food but one thing I did get out of this was that it seems like Paul wants our lives to be an example for both believers and non believers, so they can look to us for encouragment. I am guilty of sacrificing my spiritual standards in order to be considerate of someone's worldly standards. Paul says this is actually harmful because it causes confusion to that non believer and may change their perception of Christ. The portion regarding temptation was very helpful also, it really encourages me to stay sexually pure both emotionally and physically. It also helps to know that my temptation is no different then any other believers temptation (verse 13) I don't feel alone and I am motivated to resist especially since God has my back through the whole thing. Finally God was telling me as I was reading this, that a relationship with him takes alot of time and commitment, I will really have to try to get to know him, it won't be impossible but the theme for my season is EFFORT. I really have to work at it, and trust me it has been rough but I want this life, I want to be something in this world, not just a tumbleweed blowing across the wind in my safe zone. God told me, in order to know myself I must know him and really start being considerate of others not just of me and my problems. This is going to take lots of prayer!!!!! because I tend to be very Aleta oreniented ( even in the negative).

Ok readers I feel better now but it's nap time for real until next chapter

P.S hopefully I get some insight on this whole food and dinner thing lol.

Happy reading


Friday, June 10, 2011

I Corinthians Chapter 8-9 mix/commentary

Good Evening all, ( speaking future followers)

Well it has been another interesting week of neglect, negative thoughts and survival. But I am honestly understanding of that because, I have not opened my Bible in a while so my covering has been damaged to say the least. I am going through a period of self neglect. But I refuse to turn another entry into a pity party, I know what I did and now it is time to keep pressing forward. Honestly for these two chapters I'm not really sure what to write, so I am just going to read over them and let the Lord speak to me. I will say this, I am getting bored with simply summarizing the the passages, it's so school and text book like, hopefully I can come up with some ways to spice things up a bit, to keep it interesting and therefore keep up with my commitment.

*Dramatic reading pause*

Well I've read both chapters a few times, giving some passages more attention than others, and honestly I was stumped at first especially with chapter 9. But I will go in order.

So to mean the basis of chapter 8 was Paul was telling the people of the church to be mindful and respectful of other christians and their walk. Not everyone is in the same place with Christ and it is wrong for those were are more experienced in their faith to tempt those who are new in the faith especially in the area where they are weak. Paul used the example of eating food that is offered to an idol. One believer might have the understanding that just because the food is offered to the idol does not mean that food is harmful, mainly because that idol has no power. But someone who is new to the faith and grew up believing that eating food given to the idol is wrong may not grasp that concept right away. So as an experienced believer it is best to not eat the food out of respect for the new believer. I totally get it.

Now chapter 9 was not so cut and dry for me. Honestly the first portion sounded like Paul was venting about not recieving atleast some accomidation when he visits these towns to preach. He used many metaphors like a farmer eating of his/her own harvest or a milk maid drink from her pail, and I'm guessing he is referring to the fact that his message is not only meant to benefit the listeners but him as well. After that it seems like he is fighting his flesh because he always is refocusing his attention not getting anything for his service. As I think about this more I kind of like this portion because it shows his human side, and even though he was called directly by Christ, it shows he still struggles and goes through the battle flesh vs. spirit, but only the flesh doesn't have the same control it once had. It's encouraging to know that even though spiritual leaders, are who they are, they still face battles that the followers do, just on a different scale.

The scripture that stuck out to me the most was this: " You've all been to the stadium and seen athletes race. Everyone runs, one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me" ( Msg verses 24-26). This really inspired me to work harder and help me understand that this life does not come easy, it takes hard work and practice just like any skill or sport. Though people are born with natural gifts and abilities they must be developed in order to be used effectively and to their full potential. They can not lie dormant inside, they must be trained. It's almost like that scripture says keep going and keep trying, you can make it. What the enemy says is a lie and you do not need to believe it, he is a deceiver. Keep pressing,fighting,praying, and ( for me) start fasting. It is worth it. This is your training season, use it wisely. Your time has not been wasted. You have to learn how to function in your new body.

Thank you Lord for an example of stepping out on faith.

oh one more thing, I felt led to share with you.

I was watching Joyce Meyer this evening and she did a wonderful illustration that stuck with me. It was about when someone first gets saved,before this moment she had on a torn jacket, the man protraying Jesus came out with a white cloak. "Jesus" took Joyce's torn jacket and put on the new white cloak. This coat was clean but it didnt fit quit right. It was very long and too big. She went on to explain that is how it is when we are new to the faith. But we can allow Jesus to fit our cloak on us so that it fits just right. It's alot of work friends but in the end it will be worth the time and effort.

Until next chapter happy reading


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have to get back in the word

Good Evening

It has been a couple days since my last decent post and i must say this process have been anything but easy. It takes real commentment and constant prayer to keep up with this because alot of days i don't feel like looking into the word so extensively and just going over it. But as i have been learning it is essential for me and my day to day walk. I have dedicated myself physically to my husband and emotionally to just growing as a person. I want to be able to help others but I first have to be able to help myself. The first thing I need to is STAY IN MY WORD. This means reading and writing everyday so that I can hear about God's plany for my life and so that I can combat negative thoughts and ideas. There are some major decisions i need to make in my life and I really need to consult Christ so I don't end up living a life I think people want me to live instead of the one I am called to live. I have to keep pressing, physically and spiritual so i can keep growing and reach my my full potential as person.

Currently I am reading a few books so i will let you all know how that goes.
my next entry should be the next chapter in Corinthians gotta keep it moving so we get to the gifts!!!!

Happy Reading


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just me... random :)

Good evening,

Tonight I just really wanted to talk. No chapter break down, atleast not now lol. There are two things that i am really interested in pursuing this summer but I am not sure if they are in God's plan for me.Now I am sleepy and I Have things to do before i leave in the morning ... i will be along soon

Friday, June 3, 2011

1 Corinthians Chapter 7... one week later :(

Good morning ( early morning)

Well as the title states it's been one week since my last post. During that time I have fallen, one time but it was worth like a week's worth of sin.
However on a positive I did complete my resume and that means I can hit this second job scene nice and hard!!.
Another thought that crossed my mind was, when is my life going to start? I mean right now it's really boring. I always hear speakers, pastors, and other people say God does not want us to live a limited, safe life. He wants us to try,experience, and travel to different places. He wants to have fun, but my thing is when is that going to happen for me. It seems like money is always a factor and I am limited by it. I don't want to look back over my life and realize all I ever did was make plans but never put them into action. I want to audition,I want to travel, make dozens of friends, and just I don't know live. But there is a part of me that is so drained by the process and I have no clue where to begin. I WANT TO LIVE!!!! in all of this however I feel like I am on the right track.

Ok so on to chapter 7.

Here Paul talks to the church about relationships. Thus far, it seems this is the longest letter Paul has written, it makes sense because relationships are very important and common. Here He dicusses romantic relationships.Honestly right now I am having a hard time describing this. Well to me Paul is telling the people not to rush into relationships ( especially marriage) because it is not what it's all cracked up to be. Being in a relationship does not solve problems, but it could potentially create more, if the timing is wrong and because being in a relationship takes alot of time and effort.

Another important point Paul brings up ( or atleast I thought he did) was the basis of marriage. In the commentary notes in my NLT ( new living translation) bible, it says that it is better to deal with sexual pressures of singleness than to deal with the stress of an unhappy marriage.The basis of marriage should not be mere physical attraction because that soon fades. The relationship needs substance and I believe friendship in order to stand the test of time. The two people need to be whole as individuals before coming together as a couple.

Maybe for me that is why it is important to be content in my season and really take this time to develop myself and my relationship in the Lord so he can prepare me for the role of wife and also just so i can be happy and fullfilled as a person. Honestly I know my purpose is not to follow one person ( earthly that is) everyday all day, but to have my own life and contribute to this world in hopes to save some of the people in it. This process sucks, but You nobody told me the road would easy.

A verse that stuck out to mean was " God not your marital status, defines your life".(MSG).That really sums up this portion best.

I am going to continue on to the next chapter but I will be refering back to this chapter because I have a feeling it's not done with me yet. :)

Stay tuned for chapter 8 " freedom with responsibility" until then happy reading
