Monday, May 16, 2011

sorry i missed

Hey all,

As you may or may not have noticed, yesterday i did not provide an entry like i said i would or like i wanted to ( yea that's honest) and for that i apologize. I feel if i am going to have a sucessful blog then dedication is top priority even if it is only to one person.

Well the reason for my absence was due to friends from my hometown coming to visit me. I understand I had plenty of time to read and even give of brief summary of the text but, I didn't because it seems like whenever I have visitors i dedicate all my time and energy and self to them and what they need, atleast for aslong as it entertains me, after awhile I wanted to do something else or i would get somewhat spicy with them. I noticed though during times where i would get upset or offended they would just roll with the punches I threw, because as I really listen to some of the things I say, I can be really harsh and even rude at times. If someone spoke to me the way I spoke to other people, I would normally get spicy and atleast say something back especially if we were not close friends. But my really good friends they tell me the truth about myself and sometimes that truth hurts but they still stick around with me. No matter how paranoid, rude, moody, or anything I do, they just take. I realize every person has a breaking point and I can't abuse this wonderful privilege but it still amazes me none the less.

Is this what acceptance feels like? Taking the good and bad in a person and not abandoning them because of the bad? It just amazes me what wonderful people I already have in my life without even looking. Crazy.

well I just wanted you know to what was going on in my life the day i didn't write. Now it's on to "exegete" this text as my pastor would say.

until next chapter happy reading

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