Saturday, July 23, 2011

2 Corinthians Chapter 10 ( finally)

hello all :)

I apologize for the delay in writing this entry, but honestly friends, I had a hard time understanding how to apply this to my life life. It took a few times of me reading it and conversing with God out loud but, I think I have the gist of what Paul wants us to learn from this message.

In Chapter 10

Paul addresses the people of Corinth about confronting others regarding their faith or relationship with Christ. His main point, as it has been throughout both books of Corinthians is that it is important we recognize the source of our authority to this task. He says " we are human, but we do not wage war as humans do. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down strong holds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments." (verse 3-4). It was very important that Paul was bold in this letter because people were beginning to question him and say that he was only strong in writing but not important in person. These ideas may have come from teachers and preachers who came after Paul and could have spoken badly about him to the people and they believed it.

The weapons that Paul refers to are found in Ephesians chapter 6 and are known as the full armor of God. This armor is very important because it protects the spiritual body from being attacked by the enemy and even natural attacks. It consists of the the helmet of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness,the belt of truth, shoes of peace, a shield of faith, and a sword which is the word of God. This equipment keeps our spiritual man strong and our fleshly body in check, especially when temptations comes. As I have read through this book, it is clear the
Paul was fully functioning in his armor of God, his bold spirit moves through out his words to the people. He also understood that it was not his words, or power but that of the holy spirit that work and moved through him. So if the people hurt him,lied on him , or anything really, it wasn't harming Paul but rather those actions were directed toward God. We know that God is the ultimate avenger, therefore we have no reason to fear, or worry about what non believers say about the Lord's message.

But this sort of power comes from full, YES FULL, submission to Christ. Every part of your being must be willingly committed to him. This only comes by spending time with God and approaching each visit with an open mind. Over time you will begin to willingly submit to his ways, and soon it will be hard to imagine what life was like without him. But the important thing to remember is that all this takes time. Hard time, but it's worth it time. Everything God does is for our benefit, not his, he already has everything he needs. Our relationship with him especially the obedience and faith portion, are to secure our future blessings and cover us from future attacks from the enemy. So if we do not invest in our relationship with him, we will have nothing to show for it. If we invest little into the relationship, we get little out of it and so on. So I think it is important to ask God for a heart to fully trust and submit to his will because honestly there is no other way.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1 Corinthians Chapter 9 ( Benefits of Giving)

Good evening all :),

I will be honest tonight was another one where I did not really feel like blogging tonight. But Joel Osteen said it best " Don't let a temporary feeling stop you from receiving a permanent blessing." So I had to at least try and do something this evening. I do become weary writing this everyday, but if I can just make it through this evening, I should be ok.

Chapter 9.

Well Paul continues his praises to the Corinthians and acknowledging how far they had come in their journey to know Christ. As I was reading this chapter, I realized it confirmed the conclusion that I came to about the previous chapter. Giving is not about God or the church taking our money but rather sharing the gift God has given us with others so they too can be blessed. Whether we like it or not, sometimes the only way people especially non-believers or new believers, will experience God is through our actions. We can talk,quote scripture, and join every ministry under the sun, but if our faith is not sealed by our actions it is all in vain. I believe that is why Paul said he sent two of his brothers ahead of him to make sure that the church was really ready to give and pour into others as promised. Not only just to save face but literally people's lives may have been dependent on their gifts (verses 3-5). Also we don't give to support God because he CLEARLY does not need, but our gifts provide reward for us in the ends. If we sew few we harvest few, but if we sew generously we harvest generously ( verse 6). It also important to remember to give with a cheerful heart, similar to our love for God. He does not want us to do anything out of obligation but instead do it because we know he loves us, we want to please him and be obedient. He wants this to be a willing relationship in everything we do.

For me I am still learning how to love just because instead of obligation. obedience to me implies obligation, you do it because he/she told me to and I have respect for you. So my question is how to you change that to just, man I love you and I just want to everything I can to make you happy. Another prayer I have for myself is that I wish I could get my head out of tomorrow and just focus and enjoy today. Well that wasn't too bad. But I tell you it gets rough at times, I'm sure it will be worth in in the end :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2 Corinthians Chapter 8 ( Giving)

Good evening readers,

well people honestly I don't know how to start this one off. Today was an interesting day, I finally got the nerve to start reading the play for this semester at UT, that I want to audition for. It was hard at first to get myself started, but once I became serious about reading it was actually really fun to read . I hope can keep this up, and I hope once auditions begin, I will feel more confident about my God appointed career choice.

This evening before I started my blog I was watching Joyce Meyer and she was talking about being content and obedience. It seems like I have been hearing alot about these two themes alot lately. Maybe being content in a situation makes it easier to obey the directions that will eventually move you forward to the place you desire to go.


Well anyway, as the title suggests, tonight's reading was about giving. Not just giving but being eager about it. This has been a very tough subject for me because I have been the type to get something and hoard for fear of losing it. But here Paul encourages the Corinithian Church to give as they did in the past. He tells them how they have excelled in other areas of their relationship with Christ and now it is time to start sharing the gifts that God shared with them. This is very hard for me honestly because I don't like to give. It makes me feel very vulnerable and just uncomfortable. As I write this now, I am having a hard time focusing on this topic because I JUST don't like to do it. I don't trust people and I feel like if I put myself out there and really commit to giving, it's like they see that and take advantage of this situation. So I feel like why should I break my neck to help someone out when all they may do it take it harm me. Then I look silly for allowing that to happen. hm. My view of love and giving (especially money) are very similar. I think it is because it has to do with releasing and opening my hand. But maybe I have been opening my hand and heart to the wrong source. I have been placing my sole trust in people instead of God. But it's really hard to trust because not only can I not see him, he does not answer me right away so for a few days I feel crazy and start to wonder if he even heard me.
This is going to be an interesting transition process.

Until next time readers, happy reading


Sunday, July 17, 2011

1 Corinthians Chapter 6 ( review)

Good evening all,

Well it's been awhile, hm. But I am back and in full force and reading to go the next level in Him. So as you can tell by the title I was led to read over 1 Corinthians chapter 6. I was confused when i received this word was because I finished the book of Corinthians earlier in June and i didnt understand why I had to re-read a chapter I had already been through. Maybe the chapter was done with me. Well in chapter six Paul talks about christians bringing lawsuits against other christians. He says "...How dare you file a lawsuit and ask a secular court to decied the matter instead of taking it to other believers!"( verse 1) In today's soceity people would have a hard time understanding this concept. If anything I believer their response would be " why wouldn't I do that? Isn't that what the justice system is for to settle disputes?" Honestly I agree with that, I mean if you think about it, isn't that what lawyers, police officers, and judges are trained an paid to do? to settle our conflicts? With today's churches, could we really settle disputes? Are we supposed to take every dispute to the church? Thes are just of few of the many questions I would have regarding this idea?

So as I read further Paul mentions that in the next life we will have the authority to judge both the world and angels ( verse 2 and 3), therefore we should have the power to settle disputes among ourselves. He brings up and even harder pill to swallow, he suggests that believers accept the injustice or let ourselves be cheated (verse 7-8.)Once again... at first this is CRAZY!! Are is really saying that we should allow people to just take advantage of us and then that's it??

Then my heart was still. No. that's not what he is saying. God is asking us to let him be God. How amazing is that, a being so powerful, who could end this would with a blink of eye, is asking us our PERMISSION to be God in our lives? HONESTLY?? That is humble self-sacrificing love. How could he possibly love us that much, to ask to be our God. Amazing. Now it's true Paul was aggressive here, but honestly sometimes that is what needs to be done to get through to some people especially in a life or death situation. God asks us because he has seen and has full knowledge of all of the pain brought against us by others. He is a just God and he has already avenged anything that did,is, or will happen to us in this life. Paul says it best " Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God" (verse 9). and he goes on to give various examples of sins that are commited who may go naturally unnoticed but are recorded in the spirit realm. God keeps tabs on us all, of the good, the bad, the beautiful, and ugly things we do. It's on the tab so why are we trying to foot the bill? God is saying, looked your sins have been paid for, I see it I know, trust me to pay it. I mean honestly we trust our friends or maybe even a stranger in a bar when they say " put it on my tab" So why can't we trust God to handle our spiritual tab? Looking at it through this lense definately puts a new spin on things. Will I be perfect, no, but I will be encouraged the next time I think about sueing someone. Because my bill is covered.

Another the other end, this could also been seen as a warniing not to be so quick to judge other people. Yes Paul did say some day BELIEVERS will have the power to judge the world and angels. But that some day is not TODAY , so until then we must be humble and forgiving to others who harm us. Just like those who harm us will be judge we will be standing in line right with them to be judged. Here we also have to let God to his job. If God wanted our help in this area he would have definately appointed us the position. But that's just it, he does not need help being who is He is. He would rather have us trust him to do the work. He asks us to help each other in disputes, love each other and ourselves, and be kind ( yes even to the not so kind.)

Honestly the vibe I get from God, is that he really wants to be included and be our friends. He truely desires a genunine relationship with us. We don't have to do anything special or be perfect, he just asks that we communicate, trust him, and hangout. The basic buiding blocks of a healthy relationship and we all ask for those things from others but are you really willing to give them to him? I know it makes me rethink a few things.

Well until next time readers, Happy reading


Sunday, June 26, 2011

FINALLY!! What the Lord has done for me

Good evening all :)

Well the day has finally come. After all the prayers, talks, and just speaking about it I finally received confirmation on my spiritual gift. Today at Praise Temple church (well up and coming church)The Lord spoke to me through the pastor and first Lady. I was told that the Lord has identified me as a warrior. I have the gift of prophecy and I will be able to call out negativity among believers and God will use me as a great mouth piece in the house. The catch is that people will not like what I have to say and this pastor said that I will have to say my piece and move quickly. My prayers will provide a protective force around me, and those I pray for. He (the enemy) will be forced to submit at the sound of my voice. So the answer to my question about my function in the body is that I am a mouth. I will review my notes and see if the Lord revealed that to me before and I just didn't trust what he was saying. But now that my relationship with Christ is growing God will show me things because I am learning to trust him for myself instead of through others. The prophet also said that in 14 days God will reveal to me my ministry and destiny. So what I received today was just the introduction to what is about to happen. He said I will receive all the answer to my questions, yes I said ALL,I just have to keep going.


I am still reading 2 Corinthians and once again I really don't feel like breaking down that whole chapter ( this time chapter 2) because honestly I am tired and there is not much to say about it. But basically it was short and talked about forgiving a man that had caused pain to the church. Paul said that it was important to forgive this man because he may be feeling discouraged. He also talked about how every one is not going understand our gift from the Lord. For those being saved, our life style will smell like a sweet perfume, but for those perishing it will smell of death ( verses 15-16). ugh!!! This is so much harder to do, I am pushing it right now. Lord help me want to do this, and see what is special in me.

OK that is all I have for now until next time happy reading


Friday, June 24, 2011


Hello all :)

Well as I mentioned in my last entry, I have finally completed the book of 1 Corinthians ( yay!!). I prayed about it and I really didnt recieve an answer, so until told other wise, I felt comfortable with continuing with 2 Corinthians. It seems it will be a very encouraging chapter because it ( chapter 1) talks about how God has provided the Holy Spirit as proof of his promises to us. The Holy Spirit was sent to comfort us and then we can go out and comfort others in his name. That's really all I have for now... short I know.

In life news, I finally have a second job at IHOP, still few hours but at least it is SOMETHING. I told my mother about it and she managed to kill the mood somewhat by still pointing out to the lack of pay and hours. But i will remain gratful.

I read something very interesting on a Facebook application that mentioned in order to find out who you are becoming you must find stories or movies that speak to your heart.I found that to be very interesting because it confirms my conclusion of my gifts lie inside of me, I don't have to seek an outside source. The key to my future is contained in what speaks to my heart most. So taking in this account, the movies that speak to me most are ones of true love, the under dog rising to the occasion, and ones about family. There must be some answer in there. The Lord spoke to me and asked me to submit more, this means fasting. I have avoided for a long time because I didn't believe I could do it, It felt like my only source of power and control.

We will see how this goes, until next time happy reading


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Corinthians 15 Inspiration

Good evening all,

It has been awhile since I summarized a chapter from Corinthians, and I have felt bad about it. I honestly needed a break and I just wanted to read it, but I have been feeling a little convicted by not doing it so now I am back. I have read chapters 13 and 14. 13 discussed what Christ's version of love is and I honestly need to work on that, it's basically the world's definition of weak and usually displayed by people who get taken advantage of the most. I will say that I have seen most of these qualities in a special friend of mine, but we will pray on that ( hopefully I can provide an entry that goes in depth about our relationship... stay tuned ).
Chapter 14 singled out the gifts of prophecy and the gift of speaking in tongues and the proper procedure of governing meetings among believers ( I should have read that last year lol.) What I took away from both chapters is, as Christians our goals should be to up lift the kingdom of God and the people in it, not just ourselves. Our gifts should be dedicated as a service rather than a title of importance. I think once we a can get past the name and ranking of our gift and begin to focus more on it's function in the body then the church will attract and keep more people.

( Deep Sigh, a good one)

Chapter 15. Well what can I say is that it was very interesting. It talked about the act of one being raising from the dead. Honestly I had to read this a few times and explain it to myself out loud, or maybe the Holy Spirit uses my own voice to talk to me ( haven't really figured that out yet *shrugs*). At any rate, I understood Paul's point, which was If God had the power to raise His son from the dead, don't you think he would be able to raise humans from the dead too? But something inside of me is still fuzzy about why Paul chose the concept of bringing people back from the dead, I mean I get it but something in me struggles to accept it. He did however answer my question about what those people will look like when they are risen from the dead with a beautiful illustration about a plant. Our earthly bodies are broken and we rise in new spiritual bodies, just like a seed is planted but sprouts up as a beautiful tree, fruit, or flower. I am just stuck on the raising of the dead, I understand that if God didn't raise us then surely Christ was not raised and if that was the case our faith as Paul says, would be pointless. Why that though? That's my question, so hopefully we get an answer soon. This chapter really inspired my to take my focus off of now concerning my feelings. I want to be more useful in the kingdom. I want help others around me, I mean reading and understanding is one thing but to actually do it is quite different but it's still the whole point of learning it in the first place. Plus I don't want to be broke in heaven, I want to store up enough goods so that I am comfortable because being broke and content down here is hard enough.Plus I just want to be pleasing to God, I am tired of being a spiritual free loader. But that means I am going to have to work, and going from one extreme to the other is never an easy task, so I have to be patient with myself and ease into it, and remember that this season is not forever.

Well I felt this was very productive, I can't wait until I am able to share this with others, until then I can just pretend :) Happy reading

P.S. we are almost done with Corinthians, we stayed the course!!!!